DNS Lookup Checker, Verify DNS Server records, Find DNS Propogation

Find DNS details of your website including all DNS records such as MX, CNAME, DNS, AAAA, IPv4, IPv6.
Just enter your Website Name and Get it's DNS records for Free.


DNS full form is "Domain Name System", it is nothing but an alias of IP Address, as IP Address is not human readable, that's why we have DNS names. We used to enter DNS names instead of actual IP Address of any website, as it is easily to remember. So DNS names will be resolved to an IP address. The Domain Name System (DNS) is the phone book of the internet. It's a hierarchical and distributed naming system that translates human-readable domain names (like "google.com") into machine-readable IP addresses (like ""). This is because computers communicate with each other using IP addresses, but it's much easier for us humans to remember names than numbers.

There are 4 Different DNS Server types used while loading any Website.
1) DNS recursor
2) Root Nameserver
3) TLD Server (TLD is Top level Domain)
4) Authoritative Nameserver

Full DNS records consist of following details :

1) A record (Nothing but an IP address)
2) TXT record (Descriptive Text, used to hold general information about a domain name, also used in verifying domain in Google SEO Tools)
3) LOC record (Geographical location details about hosts, networks, and subnets.)
4) SOA record (Full form of SOA record is a Start of Authority, from where the domain is origin, i.e. Parent Domain name record)
5) NS record (aka Name Server record, it used to delegates a subdomain to a set of name servers. )
6) SRV record ( aka Service Discovery, it tells type of TCP used)
7) SPF record (SPF record fullform is Sender Policy Framework record.)
8) CNAME record (Canonical, pointing to Canonical Domain name, not to an IP address)
9) MX record (Mail Exchange information)
10) AAAA record (IPv6 address for a host)

These records are crucial for various online services, including:

Websites: A records and CNAME records direct web browsers to the correct servers to access websites.
Email: MX records ensure emails are delivered to the right mail servers.
Security: SPF and DKIM records help protect against email spoofing and phishing attacks.
Other services: SRV records can be used to specify the location of services like instant messaging or VoIP.

Here are some additional facts about DNS:

DNS was invented in the early 1980s.
There are millions of DNS servers around the world.
DNS is a hierarchical system, with top-level domains (like ".com" and ".org") at the top, followed by second-level domains (like "google" and "amazon"), and so on.
DNS records can store a variety of information about a domain name, such as its IP address, its email server, and its web server.

Provider Primary DNS Server Secondary DNS Server
Google Public DNS
2001:4860:4860::8888 2001:4860:4860::8844
2606:4700:4700::1111 2606:4700:4700::1001
2620:0:ccc::2 2620:0:ccd::2
Level 3
2620:74:1b::1:1 2620:74:1c::2:2
2620:fe::fe 2620:fe::9
2001:1608:10:25::1c04:b12f 2001:1608:10:25::9249:d69b
Norton ConnectSafe

You can easily find any Website's DNS from our above free tool, enter your Domain name and you will get all DNS records information of the domain. After you enter your website, all DNS related information including DNS, MX record, SOA, SRV, AAAA, IPv4, IPv6 etc will be displayed.

Here's step by step guide on how DNS works:

Step 1)You type a domain name into your web browser. For example, you might type "seowebchecker.com" into the address bar.
Step 2)Your computer contacts a DNS server. This server is responsible for translating domain names into IP addresses. There are many different DNS servers around the world, and your computer will usually contact the one that is closest to it.
Step 3)The DNS server looks up the IP address for the domain name. It does this by querying other DNS servers, until it eventually finds the server that is responsible for that domain name.
Step 4)The DNS server sends the IP address back to your computer.
Step 5)Your computer uses the IP address to connect to the website.

DNS is an essential part of the internet, and it's used for more than just translating domain names into IP addresses. It can also be used to direct traffic to different servers, to block access to certain websites, and to protect websites from cyberattacks.